


Status: Build: average
Currently: casually datingEyes: brown
Height: 5ft. 11 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: ask me Body art: none
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date

Age: between 18 and 35
His build: slim, average, athletic, chubby
Looking for: friends, love/ relationship, a date
Looking for friends and/or LTR
Hi there my name is Chris born and raised in Denver. Currently live and work Downtown and am loving every minute of it. I am hard working and self sufficient, would hate the feeling to rely on someone else to take care of me, and though I am very giving I am not the guy to take care of you financially it should be 50/50. I am looking for friends, find that you can never have too many friends. Also I have realized that I actually don't have too many gay friends to hang out with. I am also looking for a LTR as well.

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